In Vitro and In Vivo Protein Import Into Plant Mitochondria
In plants, the majority of mitochondrial and chloroplast proteins are nuclear encoded, synthesized on cytosolic polyribosomes, and then imported into the organelle. Most of the nuclear encoded precursor proteins contain an N-terminal extension called signal or targeting peptide that directs the protein to the correct organelle. Here, we describe in vitro and in vivo methods to study mitochondrial protein import. In a common single-organelle in vitro import procedure, transcribed/translated precursor proteins are imported into isolated mitochondria. A novel semi-in vivo system for simultaneous import of precursor proteins into isolated mitochondria and chloroplasts, called a dual-import system, is superior to the single-import system as it abolishes mistargeting of chloroplast precursors into mitochondria as observed in a single-organelle import system. Precursor proteins can also be imported into the organelles in vivo using an intact cellular system. In vivo approaches include import of transiently expressed fusion constructs containing a targeting peptide or a precursor protein fused to a reporter gene, most commonly the green fluorescence protein in protoplasts or in an Agrobacterium -mediated system in intact tobacco leaves.