Comparative Genomic Hybridization ( CGH) CGH is a molecular Cytogenetic method
Comparative Genomic Hybridization ( CGH) CGH is a molecular Cytogenetic method of screening a tumor for genetic changes. The alterations are classified as DNA gains and losses and reveal a characteristic pattern that includes mutations at chromosomal and subchromosomal levels. This protocol gives detailed procedures on CGH as follows: Metaphase chromosome preparation DNA preparation by cryostom tissue dissection DNA labeling by nick translation Hybridization DNA detection Image capture Image analysis DAPI chromosome identification
・ Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) Detailed protocol for CGH, including slide and probe preparation, detection and staining
- Direct CGH (Waldman Lab)
- Indirect CGH (Waldman Lab)
- Nick Translation of DNA for CGH (Waldman Lab)