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In Vitro Assays for Measuring TGF Growth Stimulation and Inhibition

2024-12-19 细胞技术 加入收藏
Transforming growth factors (TGFs) were initially isolated from the conditioned

Transforming growth factors (TGFs) were initially isolated from the conditioned medium of transformed cell lines through their ability to stimulate anchorage-dependent cells to form colonies in soft agar (1 ,2 ). The ability to proliferate in an anchorage-independent manner is still one of the best in vitro correlates with tumorigenicity. Subsequent studies demonstrated that the growth-promoting activity in the conditioned medium consisted of two unique peptides, TGF-α and TGF-β (3 –5 ). Depending on the indicator cell line used, soft-agar colony growth could occur when TGF-α and TGF-β (i.e., NRK cells) or TGF-β alone (i.e., AKR-2B cells) were added to the serum-containing medium (6 ,7 ). This review will focus on TGF-β and cellular systems capable of responding in vitro to its growth modulatory activity independent of additional factors.


