High-Yield Purification of Functionally Active Glucocorticoid Receptor
The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) resides in the cytoplasm as a complex with chaperones. Upon ligand association, GR shuttles into the nucleus, and binds to its hormone response elements to control expression of particular genes (1 -7 ). Transcriptional regulation by GR is thought to be a consequence of macromolecular assembly formation with proteins, including chromatin remodelers, histone modifiers, coactivators, and transcriptional machinery on a promoter (1 -8 -17 ). Nucleation of this large multisubunit complex by GR homodimers results in a chromatin transition (18 -23 ). and preinitiation complex assembly. To date, the molecular details of the GR-induced macromolecular assembly and chromatin transition are poorly understood.