PC-3细胞与DU-145细胞的区别PC-3Source: Organ: prostateTumor Stage: grade IVDisease: adeno
Source: Organ: prostate
Tumor Stage: grade IV
Disease: adenocarcinoma
Derived from metastatic site: bone
DNA Profile (STR): Amelogenin: X
CSF1PO: 11
D13S317: 11
D16S539: 11
D5S818: 13
D7S820: 8,11
THO1: 6,7
TPOX: 8,9
vWA: 17
Comments: The PC-3 was initiated from a bone metastasis of a grade IV prostatic adenocarcinoma from a 62-year-old male Caucasian.
The cells exhibit low acid phosphatase and testosterone-5-alpha reductase activities.
Source: Organ: prostate
Disease: carcinoma
Derived from metastatic site: brain
DNA Profile (STR): D7S820: 7, 10, 11
D13S317: 12, 13, 14
D5S818: 10, 13
vWA: 17, 18, 19
THO1: 7
CSF1PO: 10, 11
TPOX: 11
D16S539: 11, 13
Amelogenin: X, Y
PC3 细胞系: 是从人前列腺癌骨转移肿瘤中分离出来的,分化程度低,为雄激素非依赖性前列腺癌细胞,不含有内源性的雄激素受体,具有中等强度的转移潜能,被广泛用于雄激素抵抗型的前列腺癌的研究。PC3 细胞高表达 E-cadherin,不表达 Vimentin
DU145 细胞: 是从前列腺癌脑转移肿瘤中分离出来的,分化程度低,为雄激素非依赖的前列腺癌细胞,具有强大的转移潜能,缺乏内源性的雄激素受体的表达[7]。DU145 细胞完全贴壁的时间通常在 24 h 以内。具有较强的侵袭和促血管新生能力,高表达 VEGF 和 EGFR。DU145 细胞高表达 Vimentin,不表达 E-cadher-in。