H-Thymidine Uptake by Cultured Cells
Fibroblast cells in log phase growth
Ca, Mg free-phosphate buffered saline (PBSA)
5% (w/v) Glutaraldehyde (GTA)
2% (w/v) Perchloric Acid (PCA)
Subbed slides (coated with chrom alum gelatin) and Permount
Nuclear Track Emulsion (Kodak or Ilford)
Darkroom and chemicals for photographic processing
Dektol developer
Kodak Fixer
Giemsa stain, graded series of alcohols, xylol
1.Grow either L cells (Mouse fibroblasts) or chick embryo fibroblasts on coverglasses and then give them H-thymidine for a short period of time.
2.At the end of the labeling period, wash the coverslips in PBSA by gently grasping a coverslip with forceps and passing it through a beaker of saline.
3.Fix cultures in glutaraldehyde for 15 minutes.
4.Wash in several changes of water.
5.Wash in cold 2% PCA for 5 minutes to remove unincorporated labeled precursors to DNA. Repeat twice.