Differentiate ES cells into cardiac myocytes
Differentiate ES cells into cardiac myocytes
Day -1: Pass ES cells at normal density on gelatinized plate to free the culture of contamination fibroblast cells.
Day 1 : Trypsinized the cells as for normal passaging until the colonies lift off. Try to keep the loosely connected clumps of cells together by gentle handling. Then directly plate the cells 1:3 into bacterial grade Petri dishes in LIF free ES cell medium.
Day 3 : Aspirate the medium carefully. Avoid sucking up too many of the aggregates. Then add new medium.
Day 5 : Aspirate as in Day 3 and replace the medium.
Day 7 : Plate the cells into 24 weel tissue culture grade plate
Day 9 : Change half of the medium and observe beating
Day 11 : Change half of the medium and observe beating