Production of Human and Murine Eosinophils In Vitro and Assay for Eosinophil Differentiation Factors
Bone marrow cells from a number of animal species have been used extensively in
Bone marrow cells from a number of animal species have been used extensively in liquid and semisolid cultures to study hemopoiesis and to produce functional mature cells and factor-dependent cell lines (for review see ref. 1 ). Neutrophils and macrophages are produced without added growth factors from murine long-term bone marrow cultures (2 ), while lymphoid cells (3 ,4 ) and megakaryocytes (reviewed in ref. 5 ) can be induced under certain conditions.
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Formation of Embryoid Bodies from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Using AggreWell Plates
Many human embryonic stem (hES) and induced pluripotent stem...
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Spermatogonial Stem Cell Transplantation, Testicular Function, and Restoration of Male Fertility in
Mammalian spermatogonial stem cells, sometimes called male g...