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Standard PCR reaction

2024-11-13 PCR 加入收藏
Steps for Standard PCR Reaction Design primers. In general, primers should have

Steps for Standard PCR Reaction


Design primers. In general, primers should have the following properties:


  • Length of 18-24 bases
  • 40-60% G/C content
  • Start and end with 1-2 G/C pairs
  • Melting temperature (Tm) of 50-60o C
  • Primer pairs should have a Tm within 5o C of each other
  • Primer pairs should not have complementary regions

Tip: Primer3 is an excellent resource for choosing primers.

Tip: If you will be including a restriction site at the 5'' end of your primer, note that a 3-6 base pair spacer should be added in order for the enzyme to cleave efficiently.


Set up PCR tubes.


Place thin-walled PCR tubes on ice. For a 50 μL reaction, add:


2 μLTemplate DNA (10 ng-500 ng)
5 μl10X Taq buffer with MgCl2
1 μldNTP mix (10 mM each nt)
2.5 μLForward Primer (10 μM stock)
2.5 μLReverse Primer (10 μM stock)
0.2 μLTaq DNA Polymerase (5 units/μL)
32.8 μLSterile deionized water (variable)

Tip: If you are doing multiple PCR reactions, save time by creating a "master mix."


PCR: The following is a typical PCR program. The annealing temperature should be 5o C below the primer Tm. The extension step should be 1-2 minutes per kilobase of product, depending on whether you are using a polymerase with proofreading capabilities. See manufacturer''s instructions.

Step 1: Initial Denaturation for 2 minutes at 95o C Step 2: Denature for 1 minute at 95o C Step 3: Anneal primers for 30 seconds at 55o C (or 5o C below Tm) Step 4: Extend DNA for 2 minutes at 72o C Step 5: Repeat steps 2-4 for 25-30 cycles Step 6: Final Extension for 10 minutes at 72o C


Run 2 μL on a gel to check size and concentration of PCR product.



Reagent List: PCR


ReagentCatalog Number
Taq DNA PolymeraseNEB #M0267S
Nucleotide mix (dNTPs)NEB # N0447S

Please note that the catalog numbers given in the list above are only examples, and there are many additional companies that supply these reagents.


