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PCR for Determination of Transgenic Mice

2024-09-25 DNA实验 加入收藏
This protocol was developed by Jon Neumann at the University of CincinnatiEar cl

This protocol was developed by Jon Neumann at the University of Cincinnati

  • Ear clip the mouse. Take the tissue and put into a microcentrifuge tube. Clean off clippers carefully between animals.
  • Digest each clip in 100 � of 1XPCR buffer with added detergents (0.45% NP40, 0.45% TWEEN 20) and 10� Proteinase K (10 mg/ml) @ 60o C for 2 hrs. to overnight. If using a short incubation time, vortex several times during the incubation.
  • Denature the Proteinase K by boiling for 15 min. (DO NOT BOIL FOR ANY LESS THAN 10 min.; Reboil prior to any subsequent analysis). Cool on ice for 5 minutes.
  • Aliquot 18 � of PCR reaction buffer into a PCR tube
  • PCR Reaction Buffer
    • 1X PCR buffer
    • 2.5 mM MgCl2
    • 200� dNTPs
    • 1� each primer
    • 1 Unit Taq Polymerase
  • Add 2 � of ear digest to the tube; mix by pipeting.
  • Overlay with 30-40 � light mineral oil (if not using hot top PCR machine)
  • Put into cycler and run the following program:
    • Hold @ 94o C for 4.5 min.
    • 30 X Step cycles of: 94o C for 30 sec.
    • required annealing temp. for 20 sec. (varies according to G/C content of primers)
    • 72o C for 1 min.
    • Hold @ 4o C until ready to analyze.
  • Add 2 � of agarose dye mix to each tube, and load all onto a 1.5-2% agarose gel.


