Rapamycin as Immunosuppressant in Murine Transplantation Model
The potent immunosuppressive action of rapamycin has been described in many diff
方法一1.收集细胞(1~5)106个,500~1000r/min离心5min,弃去培养液。 2.3ml PBS洗一次。 3.离心去PBS,加入冰预冷的70%的乙
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis
Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis is a universal polymerase
In Situ Cell Death (Apoptosis) Detection by TUNEL labeling
In Situ Cell Death (Apoptosis) Detection by TUNEL labeling by Boehringer Mannhei
Colorimetric Screen for Aliphatic Hydroxylation by Cytochrome P450 Using p-Nitrophenyl-Substituted A
The United States consumes approximately 16–17 million barrels of crude oil per
相关专题 细胞培养基的配制Cambrex公司最近推出一款改良后新型的Poietics(TM)前脂肪细胞生长培养基试剂盒(Preadipocyte Growth
1、Q:rh Annexin V R-PE 20 tests是BD公司用于凋亡流式检测的试剂盒,产品显示种属为人,请问能否用于大鼠细胞的检测? A:可以。因为A
大豆β- 伴球蛋白( β-conglycinin) 酶联免疫分析( ELISA )试剂盒使用说明书本试剂仅供研究使用 目的:本试剂盒用于测定植物
人白细胞介素 - 8( IL- 8) 酶联免疫 分析( ELISA )试剂 盒使用说明书本试剂仅供研究使用 目的:本试剂盒用于测定人血清,血浆
Capillary Electrophoresis of Neutral Carbohydrates: Mono-, Oligosaccharides, Glycosides
This chapter reports an overview of the recent advances in the analysis of neutr
反义RNA(antisense RNA)
反义RNA是指与mRNA互补的RNA分子, 也包括与其它RNA互补的RNA分子。由于核糖体不能翻译双链的RNA,所以反义RNA与mRNA特异性的互补结合, 即抑
Analyzing Mammalian Female Meiosis
The goal of this chapter is twofold: First, to acquaint the reader with the prob
相关专题 1. 原理: 1.1. 计算细胞数目可用血球计数盘或是Coulter counter 粒子计数器自动计数。 1.2. 血球计数盘一般有二个cham
Human Alkaline Phosphatase staining of transgenic embryo/tissue
AP Buffer:100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.5100 mM NaCl10 mM MgCl2PTM:PBS0.1% Tween-202 mM