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Non Coding RNA 专家及其网址

2024-10-12 DNA 加入收藏
Reuven AgamiDivision of Tumor Biology - The Netherlands Cancer Institute - Amste

Reuven AgamiDivision of Tumor Biology - The Netherlands Cancer Institute - Amsterdam (TheNetherlands)r.agami@nki.nlPhilippe BastinTrypanosome Cell Biology Unit - Parasitology Department - Pasteur Institute - Paris (France)pbastin@pasteur.frWebpage: David BaulcombeThe Sainsbury Laboratory - John Innes Centre - Norwich david.baulcombe@sainsbury-laboratory.ac.ukRené BernardsDivision of Molecular Carcinogenesis - The Netherlands Cancer Institute - Amsterdam (The Netherlands)r.bernards@nki.nlJürgen BrosiusInstitute of Experimental Pathology / Molecular Neurobiology - University of Münster -Münster (Germany)RNA.world@uni-muenster.deWitold FilipowiczFriedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research - Basel (Switzerland)Witold.Filipowicz@fmi.chMatthias W. HentzeEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory - University Hospital Heidelberg- Heidelberg(Germany)henzte@embl.deIvo L. HofackerTheoretical Biochemistry Group - Institute for Theoretical Chemistry - University OF Vienna -Vienna (Austria)ivo@tbi.univie.ac.atAlexander HüttenhoferDivision of Genomics & RNomics - Innsbruck Medical University - Innsbruck (Austria)


Craig P. HunterDepartment of Molecular and Cellular Biology – Harvard University - Cambridge (USA)hunter@mcb.harvard.eduElisa IzaurraldeMax Planck Institute for Developmental Biology - Tübingen (Germany)Elisa.Izaurralde@tuebingen.MPG.deGiuseppe MacinoDipartimento di Biotecnologie Cellulari ed Ematologia - Sezione di Genetica Molecolare -Università di Roma “La Sapienza” - Rome (Italy)macino@bce.uniroma1.itJavier MartinezInstitute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences - Vienna (Austria)javier.martinez@imba.oeaw.ac.atWolfgang NellenDepartment of Genetics - University of Kassel - Kassel (Germany)nellen@uni-kassel.deMikiko C. SiomiInstitute for Genome Research - University of Tokushima - Tokushima (Japan)E-mail: siomim@genome.tokushima-u.ac.jpMarkus StoffelInstitute of Molecular Systems Biology - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich - Zürich(Switzerland)stoffel@imsb.biol.ethz.chThomas TuschlLaboratory of RNA Molecular Biology - Howard Hughes Medical Institute - The RockefellerUniversity - New York (USA)ttuschl@mail.rockefeller.eduJörg VogelMax Planck Institute for Infection Biology - Berlin (Germany)vogel@mpiib-berlin.mpg.deMihaela ZavolanDivision of Bioinformatics - Biozentrum, University of Basel - Basel (Switzerland)Mihaela.Zavolan@unibas.ch


