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PCR法和 14 C呼气试验检测幽门螺杆菌的比较临床检验杂志 1999年第1期第17卷 临床微生物学与寄生虫作者:杨学文 王礼文 缪界平 陈亚军 陈云峰单位:江

PCR法和 14 C呼气试验检测幽门螺杆菌的比较

临床检验杂志 1999年第1期第17卷 临床微生物学与寄生虫

作者:杨学文 王礼文 缪界平 陈亚军 陈云峰


关键词:聚合酶链反应; 14 C呼气试验;幽门螺杆菌

   摘要  用聚合酶链反应(PCR)和 14 C呼气试验( 14 C-UBT)对66例上消化道疾病患者进行幽门螺杆菌(Hp)检测,结果PCR检出率为69.7%, 14 C-UBT检出率为71.2%,PCR、 14 C-UBT两种方法诊断Hp感染的敏感性均为100%,特异性分别为95.2%和90.5%,精确性分别为98.5%和97.0%;慢性萎缩性胃炎和慢性浅表性胃炎Hp检出率分别为77.8%和65.0%,两者无显著性差异;Hp感染无性别差异。研究结果表明, 14 C-UBT和采用自制的采样器获取胃粘膜组织进行PCR检测Hp均具有非创伤性、简便、高敏感性和特异性的优点,后者还可进行Hp细胞毒株和非细胞毒株的区分,克服了 14 C-UBT具有一定的放射性和使用有毒试剂的缺点。

Comparison of PCR with 14 C-urea breath test for the detection of Helicobacter pylori

YANG Xuewen,WANG Liwen,MIAO jieping, et al (Jiangsu Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nangjing 210029)

   Abstract  In order to compare the value of polymerase chain reaction(PCR)with 14 C-urea breath test( 14 C-UBT)for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori (Hp),specimens from 66 patients with upper gastrointestinal diseases were detected by both methods.The results showed the sensitivity of the PCR and 14 C-UBT for the diagnosis of Hp infection were all 100%,the specificity were 95.2% and90.5%,and the accuracy were 98.5% and 97.0%,respectively.There were not statistically significant difference between PCR and 14 C-UBT,and also between males and females.This study shows that 14 C-UBT and PCR assay with selfmade sampling tool for collecting gastric secretion have the advantages of being noninvasive,simple,high sensitivity and specificity.The latter can be used to discriminate cytotoxic strains with no-cytotoxic strains of Hp,and that conquer the shortages of 14 C-UBT being radioactive and using poisonous reagents.PCR assay is recommendable to apply for the diagnosis of Hp infection.

   Key words  Polymerase chain reaction; 14 C-urea breath test; Helicobacter pylori

  幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,Hp)的检测对其相关性疾病的诊断和疗效观察等具有重要的意义。我们应用自制的采样器采取胃粘膜标本进行PCR检测幽门螺杆菌取得了很好的效果,现将PCR法和 14 C尿素呼气试验诊断幽门螺杆菌感染的结果报告如下。


