Cell Culture Protocols
1.Basic Techniques - The “Do’s and Don'ts” of Cell Culture
Given below are a few of the essential "do’s and don’ts" of cell culture. Some of these are mandatory e.g. use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Many of them are common sense and apply to all laboratory areas. However some of them are specific to tissue culture.
The Do’s
Use personal protective equipment, (laboratory coat/gown, gloves and eye protection) at all times. In addition, thermally insulated gloves, full-face visor and splash-proof apron should be worn when handling liquid nitrogen.
Always use disposable caps to cover hair.
Wear dedicated PPE for tissue culture facility and keep separate from PPE worn in the general laboratory environment. The use of different colored gowns or laboratory coats makes this easier to enforce.
Keep all work surfaces free of clutter.
Correctly label reagents including flasks, medium and ampules with contents and date of preparation.
Only handle one cell line at a time. This common-sense point will reduce the possibility of cross contamination by mislabeling etc. It will also reduce the spread of bacteria and mycoplasma by the generation of aerosols across numerous opened media bottles and flasks in the cabinet.
Clean the work surfaces with a suitable disinfectant (e.g. 70% ethanol) between operations and allow a minimum of 15 minutes between handling different cell lines.
Wherever possible maintain separate bottles of media for each cell line in cultivation.
Examine cultures and media daily for evidence of gross bacterial or fungal contamination. This includes medium that has been purchased commercially.
Quality Control all media and reagents prior to use.
Keep cardboard packaging to a minimum in all cell culture areas.
Ensure that incubators, cabinet, centrifuges and microscopes are cleaned and serviced at regular intervals.
Test cells for mycoplasma on a regular basis.
The Don’ts
Do not continuously use antibiotics in culture medium as this will inevitably lead to the appearance of antibiotic resistant strains and may render a cell line useless for commercial purposes.
Don’t allow waste to accumulate particularly within the microbiological safety cabinet or in the incubators.
Don't have too many people in the lab at any one time.
Don't handle cells from unauthenticated sources in the main cell culture suite. They should be handled in quarantine until quality control checks are complete.
Avoid keeping cell lines continually in culture without returning to frozen stock.
Avoid cell culture becoming fully confluent. Always sub-culture at 70-80% confluency or as advised on ECACC's cell culture data sheet.
Do not allow media to go out of date. Shelf life is only 6 weeks at +4oC once glutamine and serum is added.
Avoid water baths from becoming dirty by using Sigma Clean (Prod. No. S5525).
Don’t allow essential equipment to become out of calibration. Ensure microbiological safety cabinets are tested regularly.
2.Protocol 1 - Aseptic Technique and Good Cell Culture Practice
To ensure all cell culture procedures are performed to a standard that will prevent contamination from bacteria, fungi and mycoplasma and cross contamination with other cell lines.
Chloros / Presept solution (2.5g/l)
1% formaldehyde based disinfectant e.g.Virkon,Tegador
70% ethanol in water (Prod. No. R8382)
Personal protective equipment (sterile gloves, laboratory coat, safety visor)
Microbiological safety cabinet at appropriate containment level
Sanitize the cabinet using 70% ethanol before commencing work.
Sanitize gloves by washing them in 70% ethanol and allowing to air dry for 30 seconds before commencing work.
Put all materials and equipment into the cabinet prior to starting work after sanitizing the exterior surfaces with 70% ethanol.
Whilst working do not contaminate gloves by touching anything outside the cabinet (especially face and hair). If gloves become contaminated re-sanitize with 70% ethanol as above before proceeding.
Discard gloves after handling contaminated cultures and at the end of all cell culture procedures.
Equipment in the cabinet or that which will be taken into the cabinet during cell culture procedures (media bottles, pipette tip boxes, pipette aids) should be wiped with tissue soaked with 70% ethanol prior to use.
Movement within and immediately outside the cabinet must not be rapid. Slow movement will allow the air within the cabinet to circulate properly.
Speech, sneezing and coughing must be directed away from the cabinet so as not to disrupt the airflow.
After completing work disinfect all equipment and material before removing from the cabinet. Spray the work surfaces inside the cabinet with 70% ethanol and wipe dry with tissue. Dispose of tissue by autoclaving.
Cell culture discard in chloros (10,000) ppm must be kept in the cabinet for a minimum of two hours (preferably overnight) prior to discarding down the sink with copious amounts of water.
Periodically clean the cabinet surfaces with a disinfectant such as Presept,Tegador or Virkon or fumigate the cabinet according to the manufacturers instructions. However you must ensure that it is safe to fumigate your own laboratory environment due to the generation of gaseous formaldehyde, consult your on-site Health and Safety Advisor.