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Alkaline Southern Blotting Procedure

2024-10-09 DNA实验 加入收藏
Author: Suzanne GerttulaDate: March 14,19941.Digest between 1 and 10 μg Genomic

Author: Suzanne Gerttula

Date: March 14,1994

1.Digest between 1 and 10 μg Genomic DNA. I digest at 37 C for about six hours over the course of a day. Spin down briefly, heat to 65 ℃ for 10 min and then chill on ice. When ready to load, add an appropriate amount of 10X tracking dye, no EtBr.

2.Pour the gel: Mix 2 grams ultra pure agarose in 250 ml 1X TAE (.8%). Heat in microwave to boiling. Continue boiling and swirling until agarose is completely dissolved. Cool gel solution on ice stirring constantly to aprx 50 ℃. Pour into wide (20 cm) gel rig.

3.Prepare DNA size markers for loading in gel:


SALT TRACKING DYE 1 Kb ladder, 250 μg/245 μl 5.0 μl 4.0 μl 1

ul 1 μl 100 bp ladder, 200 μg/ml 5.0 μl 4.0 μl 1 μl 1 μl

4.Submerge gel in 2000 ml 1X TAE

5.Load samples into wells. Electrophorese at 40 Volts, 35 mAmps for 16 hours.(Overnight)

6.Post stain gel in .5 μg/ml EtBr for 20 min.

7.Photograph with fluorescent ruler 1/8th sec with ruler and an additional 1 sec on gel alone.

8.Invert gel, place into .25M HCl for 7 min.

9.Rinse briefly in dH2O.

10.Soak in 0.3M NaOH,0.3M NaCl for 10 min.

11.Set up a transfer tray (9 X 12 inch glass baking dish) by pouring transfer solution in the tray (about 1000 ml) and placing a glass plate that is wide enough to span the width of the tray over top.

12.Cut Zeta Probe GT membrane to size of gel excluding wells. Cut a "wick" out of 3mm paper. This should be the same width as your gel and long enough to drape over the glass plate and well into the transfer solution. Cut three pieces of 3mm paper the size of the gel excluding wells.

13.Prewet 3mm wick in transfer solution. Drape it over the glass plate allowing ends to dangle in the solution. Squeeze out air bubbles by rolling a clean 10ml pipet over the surface.

14.Place inverted gel onto the 3mm wick. Squeeze out air bubbles.

15.Prewet membrane in H2O then in transfer solution. Place onto gel with the top just below the wells, squeeze out air bubbles.

16.Prewet the two 3mm sheets cut to size of gel in transfer solution. Place onto membrane. Squeeze out air bubbles. Seal around the edges of the blot by laying down strips of plastic.

17.Place blotting material on top, weight it down with a glass plate and a tray of water or other material weighing about .5 Kg. Prevent evaporation of the transfer solution by sealing with parafilm on either end of the glass tray. Let transfer overnight.

18.Next day, take off blotting material and mark the position of the wells.

19.Remove the membrane and rinse in 200ml: 0.1M Tris Buffer pH 7 15 min. 1.0M NaCl .

20.Blot dry on 3mm paper. Bake in 80 ℃ vacuum oven for 90 min.

PREHYBE SOLUTION: 2% SDS 0.25 M Na Phosphate buffer pH 7.2

0.5 mg/ml Herring Sperm DNA HYBE SOLUTION: 2% SDS 0.25 M Na Phosphate

buffer pH 7.2 0.5 mg/ml Herring Sperm DNA 5% Dextran Sulfate

21.Prehybe the blot in about 20 ml of prehybe solution for 1/2 hour at 65 ℃. Try to keep everything at temp. by working quickly to add or change solns.

22.Hybridize the membrane using a probe with counts between 1


