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2024-11-29 蛋白质 加入收藏
随着生物信息学、蛋白组学的发展,研究蛋白结构域,蛋白序列等研究越来越成为必备技能,因此,蛋白数据库的了解和使用越来越显得重要。对此,北京大学 医学部就列出了

  随着生物信息学、蛋白组学的发展,研究蛋白结构域,蛋白序列等研究越来越成为必备技能,因此,蛋白数据库的了解和使用越来越显得重要。对此,北京大学 医学部就列出了各个蛋白相关数据库的链接,方便科研人员研究和使用。 通用数据库

MIPS - Protein sequences and complete genomic sequences
PDB - Protein Data Bank
PIR-international - Protein sequence database co-developed by NBRF, MiPS and JIPID
SWISS-PROT - SWISS-PROT annotated protein sequence database


BioImage - European biological image database (contains microelectroscopic imaging data on macromolecules)
BioMagResBank - Repository for data on proteins, peptides, and nucleic acids from NMR spectroscopy
BLOCKS - BLOCKS database
DOMO - Protein domain database (Automatically generated)
Pfam - Protein families database (HMM derived)


BMM Domain Server - Biomolecular Modelling Laboratory (ICRF) protein domain server
CATH - Univ College London BSM structural classification of proteins
CCDC - Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center (Cambridge Stuctural Database (CSD))
NHGRI Homeodomain Resource - A prototype database for a large protein family
SCOP - Structural classification of proteins
PROTOMAP - An automatic hierarchical classification of SWISS-PROT proteins
SWISS-3DIMAGE - 3D images of proteins and other biological macromolecules
SWISS-MODEL Repository - Automatically generated protein models database
TOPS - Topology cartoons diagrams
The Molecules of Life 

  生物大分子 数据库

ESTHER - Esterases, alpha/beta hydrolase enzyme and relatives
The Ion Channel Network (ICN)
NHGRI/NCBI Histone Sequence Database
Mol_R_Us - Molecule R Us, browser for PDB
MPW - Metabolic pathways
PROLYSIS - A protease and protease inhibitor Web server


a protease and protease inhibitor Web server
GenLink Multimedia Telomere Resource
MEROPS - The MEROPS database provides a wealth of information on proteases.
REBASE - restriction enzymes and methylases
Telomere & Telomerase Reseach Information


G-Protein Coupled Receptor Database
Olfactory Receptor DataBase
ReLiBase - Receptor/ligand complexes database
SENTRA : A Database of Sensory Signal Transduction Proteins 
SMART - Protein signalling and extracellular domain patterns


DIP - Database of Interacting Proteins


Andogen Receptor Mutations Database
Ataxia-Telangiectasia Mutation Database - Virginia Mason Research Center
ATbase - A registry of patients with ataxia-telangiectasia
ALPSbase - Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome Database,a database of mutations causing human ALPS
Fanconi Anemia Mutation Database
IL2RGbase : Database of Mutations Causing Human X-Linked SCID (XSCID/X-SCID)
Immunodeficiency Databases (IDbases)
Keio mutation database for human disease gene mutations
Mutation Databases - University of Tampere
OMIM - Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
PMD - Protein Mutation database
p53 Database
Tetrahydrobiopterin - BH4


PRINTS - Protein Motif fingerprint database
PRESAGE - Collaborative Database of experimental data on proteins 
ProDom - Protein domain database (Automatically generated)
PROSITE - PROSITE dictionary of protein sites and patterns


本文列举了蛋白相关数据库:除了大家比较熟悉的通用数据库如PDB、PIR,SWISS-PROT ,还有其他的如生物大分子数据库、受体与信息传递数据库,希望大家能受用。


