相关专题 在恶性肿瘤的胸腹水中有大量的分裂期细胞,其中多以非整倍体细胞存在,并含有各种标记染色体 。 1、 实验材料 2.5%碘精、75%酒精、无菌棉
2025-01-07 -
Structural Polarity and Dynamics of Male Germline Stem Cells in an Insect (Milkweed Bug Oncopeltus f
Knowing the structure opens a door for a better understanding of function becaus
2025-01-07 -
外膜(outer membrane)
包围在线粒体外面的一层单位膜结构。厚6nm, 平整光滑, 上面有较大的孔蛋白, 可允许相对分子质量在5kDa左右的分子通过。外膜上还有一些合成脂的酶以及将脂转变
2025-01-07 -
Insight into Cell-Entry Mechanisms of CPPs by Electron Microscopy
Despite the quickly widening application of cell-penetrating peptides (CPP) for
2025-01-07 -
Comprehensive Quantitative Analysis of Bioactive Sphingolipids by High-Performance Liquid Chromatogr
There has been a recent explosion in research concerning novel bioactive sphingo
2025-01-07 -
Proteomic Analysis of Human Neutrophils
Proteomics is the study of the set of proteins, or proteome, expressed by a cell
2025-01-07 -
细胞是人体和其他生物体一切生命活动结构与功能的基本单位。体内所有的生理功能和生化反应,都是在细胞及其合成排泄的基质 ( 如细胞间隙中的胶原和蛋白聚糖 ) 的物质
2025-01-07 -
相关专题 细胞凋亡专题如果是植物 细胞可以用质壁分离法,死细胞是不会出现质壁分离的,如果是动物细胞就可以用色素法,将该细胞放在一种有色色素里,如果整个细胞都充满
2025-01-07 -
Application of Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Discovery of New Adhesion Molecule Family Members
This chapter will describe two approaches that utilize the polymerase chain reac
2025-01-07 -
Inhibition of Tumor Metastasis by Liposomes Containing Glyco-Replica Peptides
Liposomes can be used as ideal drug carriers, and many previous studies have dem
2025-01-07 -
Two-Electrode Voltage Clamp
Two-electrode voltage clamp (TEVC) is a conventional electrophysiological techni
2025-01-07 -
Analysis of Global and Specific Changes in the Disulfide Proteome Using Redox 2D-PAGE
Protein cysteine sulfhydryl groups are susceptible to a number of redox-dependen
2025-01-07 -
Microautophagy in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Microautophagy involves direct invagination and fission of the vacuolar/lysosoma
2025-01-07 -
Gel Electrophoresis Assays for Analyzing DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae at Var
Meiotic recombination is triggered by programmed DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs)
2025-01-07 -
Protocols for Use of Homologous Recombination Gene Targeting to Produce MicroRNA Mutants in Drosophi
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are noncoding RNA molecules that have come to attract conside