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  • Competitive and Differential RT-PCR (CD-RT-PCR) for Measurement of Normalized Gene Expression Using

    Competitive and Differential RT-PCR (CD-RT-PCR) for Measurement of Normalized Gene Expression Using

    Quantitative mRNA characterization by reverse transcription (RT) of RNA and subs

  • Overexpression or Downregulation of mTOR in Mammalian Cells

    Overexpression or Downregulation of mTOR in Mammalian Cells

    This chapter presents an overview of the methods that have been used to overexpr

  • Control of the Interferon Response in RNAi Experiments

    Control of the Interferon Response in RNAi Experiments

    The RNA interference (RNAi) and interferons have been an uneasy marriage. Ever s

  • Development of Impala-Based Transposon Systems for Gene Tagging in Filamentous Fungi

    Development of Impala-Based Transposon Systems for Gene Tagging in Filamentous Fungi

    Genome sequences of many filamentous fungi are now available and additional geno

  • Screening for Protein-Protein Interactions in the Yeast Two-Hybrid System in Embryonic Stem Cells

    Screening for Protein-Protein Interactions in the Yeast Two-Hybrid System in Embryonic Stem Cells

    The two-hybrid system (THS) (1 ) is a molecular genetic screen that detects prot

  • Use of Liposomes to Evaluate the Role of Membrane Interactions on Antioxidant Activity

    Use of Liposomes to Evaluate the Role of Membrane Interactions on Antioxidant Activity

    Cellular membranes, which contain abundant phospholipids, such as phosphatidylch

  • A Detailed Protocol for Chromatin Immunoprecipitation in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    A Detailed Protocol for Chromatin Immunoprecipitation in the Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    Critical cellular processes such as DNA replication, DNA damage repair, and tran

  • Isolation and Characterization of Anthocyanin 5-O-Glucosyltransferase in Perilla frutescens var. cri

    Isolation and Characterization of Anthocyanin 5-O-Glucosyltransferase in Perilla frutescens var. cri

    The glucosylation of 5-position of anthocyanin molecules is one of most importan

  • 协助扩散



  • Methods to Study the Ras2 Protein Activation State and the Subcellular Localization of Ras-GTP in Sa

    Methods to Study the Ras2 Protein Activation State and the Subcellular Localization of Ras-GTP in Sa

    Ras proteins were highly conserved during evolution. They function as a point of

  • Joining RNA Molecules with T4 DNA Ligase

    Joining RNA Molecules with T4 DNA Ligase

    Researchers interested in studying RNA structure and function or RNA-protein int

  • Semipermeabilized Cells to Study Procollagen Assembly

    Semipermeabilized Cells to Study Procollagen Assembly

    This chapter will describe the preparation and use of a semipermeabilized (SP) c

  • Approaches and Species in the History of Vertebrate Embryology

    Approaches and Species in the History of Vertebrate Embryology

    Recent debates about model organisms echo far into the past; taking a longer vie

  • Novel Strategies for the Identification of Clock Genes Neurospora With Insertional Mutagenesis

    Novel Strategies for the Identification of Clock Genes Neurospora With Insertional Mutagenesis

    As the molecular mechanism of circadian clocks has reached high complexity, the

  • 着丝粒(centromere)


    染色体中连接两个染色单体, 并将染色单体分为两臂: 短臂(p)和长臂(q)的部位。由于此部位的染色质较细、内缢, 又叫主缢痕(primary constrict
