甲状腺 是人体最大的内分泌腺 体,呈薄薄的一层,位于甲状软骨下紧贴在气管 第三,四软骨环前面,主要功能是合成甲状腺激素 ,维持生长发育、调节机体 代谢,同时也与
2024-10-10 -
2024-10-10 -
焦磷酸测序(Pyrosequencing)技术是新一代DNA序列分析技术,该技术无须进行电泳,DNA片段也无须荧光标记,操作极为简便。 Pyrosequenc
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高通量测序(High-Throughput Sequencing)又名下一代测序(Next Generation Sequencing,NGS),是相对于传统
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2024-10-10 -
DNA 亚硫酸氢盐修饰和纯化操作步骤
DNA 亚硫酸氢盐修饰和纯化操作步骤修饰设计:使用 CpGenomeTMkit 使胞嘧啶转化为尿嘧啶的步骤如下。中等温度碱性pH 下使 DNA 变性成为单链形式
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Method to look for novel methylated gene-DNA Methylation
Hi. I am a new member of this forum. Currently I am trying to look for some nove
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Methylation analyis using restriction
Methylation analyis using restriction enzyme digestionThis method has some weak
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Is there a PCR length limitation after Bisulfite treatme
Hey,I am analyzing the methylation status of two regions: one ecompasses 500bp,
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Alternatives to demethylate DNA in vivo other than 5-aza
I'm looking for a methode to demethyle DNA in vivo , during more than 5 days
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Enzyme digestion before bisulfite treatment-DNA Methylat
HiDoes enzyme digestion before bisulfite treatment make a big difference - i am
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CpG island identification-DNA Methylation, Histone and C
Hi,I looked for CpG islands within the promoter of my gene.MethPrimer and CpG pl
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In situ immunodetection of 5-methylc
In situ immunodetection of 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) on squashed cells using anti-
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About aza-cytidine-DNA Methylation, Histone and C
Hi,I'm starting to work whit 5' cytidine on plants.I want to know if it&
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CpG Island length variation-DNA Methylation, Histone and
CpG islands can be variable in length. Anyone know by what percentage range they