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Alizarin Red S (Bone) and Alcian Blue (Cartilage) Staining of Cleared Skeletons.

2024-09-24 DNA实验 加入收藏
This method works well for 17.5 day mouse embryos.All stains should be made up f

This method works well for 17.5 day mouse embryos.

All stains should be made up fresh.

Fix embryos in 90% ethanol for at least 1 week, longer if possible. Prior to staining remove skin, and viscera, particularly the liver, kidneys and gut.

Add embryo to approx. 20mls alcian blue solution, leave for 3 days. The alcian blue may begin to precipitate out, just ignore this. Rehydrate as follows: 70% ETOH 2-3hrs 70% ETOH 2-3hrs 40% ETOH 2-3hrs 15% ETOH 2-3hrs H20 until embryo sinks. NOTE: All ETOH steps can be longer.

Add embryo to a freshly prepared 1% KOH solution until the embryo is quite clear. 1-2 days. Add embryo to alizarin red S/KOH solution, until bone is stained purple. 2-3 days. (This solution can be changed daily). Rinse in 1% KOH. ~ 3 changes several hours each. 20% Glycerol in 1% KOH 24hrs (swirl occasionally) 50% Glycerol in 1% KOH (swirl occasionally) 80% Glycerol in 1% KOH (swirl occasionally) 100% Glycerol (swirl occasionally) 100% Glycerol (swirl occasionally) Specimens are stored in 100% Glycerol or embedded in Resin.

-Alcian Blue (20mls)

2mgs alcian blue, dissolve in 0.8ml H20 add 16ml Absolute ETOH and 4mls glacial acetic acid.

-Alizarin Red S

Dissolve 1mg of alizarin red S in 100ml of 1% KOH.


