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2024-09-26 DNA实验 加入收藏
Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE)SAGE is a powerful tool that allows the

Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE)

SAGE is a powerful tool that allows the analysis of overall gene expression patterns with digital analysis. Because SAGE does not require a preexisting clone, it can be used to identify and quantitate new gene as well as know genes.

cDNA/AFLP (CWB Bachem)

The protocol which follows gives a step-by-step description of cDNA-AFLP, a method for visualisation of differential gene expression

What's Differential Display (GenHunter)?

Introduction to differential display technique.

Differential Display (Chun-Ming Liu)

The following procedures are described:

RNA extraction and qualification

DNase treatment of RNA sample

Reverse transcription

PCR amplification

Separation on acrylamide gels

DNA extraction from bands of interest

Re-amplification by PCR

Separation on agarose gels

Excision of amplified products

Differential Display (Breeden Lab)

Detailed protocol for differential display


