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Metaphase chromosome preparation

2024-10-17 DNA实验 加入收藏
Materials:RPMI 1640 mediumfetal calf serum (FCS), 20%Colcemid (e.g. Boehringer M


RPMI 1640 medium

fetal calf serum (FCS), 20%

Colcemid (e.g. Boehringer Mannheim cell biology reagents, Best.-Nr. 295892)

cell cuture flask

Phythemaglutinin, PHA-L (Seromed, M 5030)

CO2 cell culture incubator

50 ml Nunc/Falcon tubes

15 ml Nunc/Falcon tubes

KCl (0.075 M, 0.055% )

Fixative (methanol/acetic acid 3 : 1)

glass microscopy slides

Amounts per 5 ml blood:

40 ml RPMI 1640 Medium

10 ml FCS (20%)

5 ml peripheral blood (anticoagulation by heparin)

1.5 ml PHA

1 cell culture flask, e.g. Falcon 250 ml

prepare up to 10 flask (1 flask will yield about 50 slides)


1.Incubate culture for 72 hours in CO2 cell culture incubator, mix flask 1-2 times per day

2.Add Colcemid (about 45 min before harvesting)

3.Make 2 aliquots and transfer cell into 50 ml Falcon tubes

4.Incubate in cell cuture incubator or 37℃ water bath for additional 45 min

5.Centrifuge for 10 min at 1000 rpm

6.Remove supernatant e.g. with a cell culture pipettor until 5 ml remain

7.Gently add 40 ml KCl (0.075 M, 37℃), first 5 ml drop by drop (hypotonic treatment)

8.Incubate for 25 min in 37℃ water bath

9.Centrifuge 10 min at 1000 rpm


