Radiolabeling of probes for electrophoretic mobility shift assays
g -32 P ATP (New England Nuclear/Perkin Elmer, CAT# NEG-035C)
“Upper strand” oligonucleotide (at 0.5 ug/ul)
“Lower strand” oliognucleotide (at 0.25 ug/ul)
T4 polynucleotide kinase (New England Biolabs)
10X T4 polynucleotide kinase buffer
MilliQ water (distilled, deionized, nuclease-free)
STE buffer: 10 mM Tris-7.5, 1 mM EDTA, 100 mM NaCl
Stratagene “push” column
Stratagene beta shield device
Geiger counter nearby
32 P waste nearby
1、Wear gloves. Remove 32 P source vial in the lead pig from the freezer and place in the fume hood. Let 32 P thaw at least 30 min. at room temp.
2、Assemble reaction components in an eppendorf tube as follows:
Upper strand oligonucleotide 1 ul
Water 7.5 ul
10 T4 kinase buffer 1.5 ul
place the tube on a rack in the fume hood.
3、WITH GLOVES, behind a shield in the hood , remove 4 ul of 32P from the source vial and add to the eppendorf tube above.
4、Check your pipetman and gloves to make sure they are not contaminated.
5、Add 1 ul of T4 kinase.