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Plasmid Sequencing

2024-10-11 DNA实验 加入收藏
This protocol gives M13 quality sequence when used with the Quick DNA Plasmid Pr

This protocol gives M13 quality sequence when used with the Quick DNA Plasmid Prep. protocol D.2.


Denaturation Solution  2 M NaOH 200 ml 10N NaOH  2 mM EDTA 4 ml 0.5 M EDTA pH 8.0  up to 1 ml with Q  store at room temperature

2、Precipitation Solution

4M NH4 OAc 530 ml 7.5 M NH4 OAc  100 mM EDTA 200 ml 0.5 M EDTA pH 8.0  up to 1 ml with Q  store at room temperature  All other reagents are included in the Sequenase™ Version 2.0 kit (USB).


• Combine 13.5 ml of DNA (see protocol D.2) with 1.5 ml Denaturation solution and incubate at 37℃ for 30 minutes.  • Add 1 ml Precipitation Solution and 75 ml EtOH. Spin for 10 minutes at room temperature.  • Wash with 80% EtOH and dry for 5 minutes.  • Resuspend the pellet in 7 ml Q and add 2 ml 5X Reaction buffer and 1 ml of the appropriate oligo at 10 ng/ml.  • Briefly heat to 65℃ and slow-cool in 50 ml 65℃  water at room temperature (aprox. 30 minutes).  • Hold on ice and prepare the termination tubes with 2.5 ml of each termination mix.  • Add the following to the annealed oligo/template:  1 ml 0.1 M DTT  2 ml 10X dil. Label mix  1 ml 2X dil. a 35 S-dATP  2 ml 8X dil. Sequenase (in TE)  • Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes.  • Add 3.5 ml of the reaction to each termination tube and incubate at 37℃  for 5 minutes.  • Stop the reaction with 4 ml stop solution and boil prior to loading.


